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Member Since: 6/30/2006
Posting Calendar
Monday, September 30th, 2024
Welcome to my Lair!!!

Hey! I'm Kaiden.

I was born Nov.4th, 2003. I'm pretty old, LOL. Autistic, major depression, anxiety, intellectual disability... There isn't much to my life if i'm honest. This may just be a little diary or... Something? Personal.

Here's a little about me...

Some of the things i'm interested in include: cutecore, pastels, gothic, gothic lolita, weirdcore, animals, piercings, tattoos, mlp, madness combat, tf2. pressure,roblox, evade, art, memes, my bf, youtube, caseoh, nexpo, dancing, metal, punk rock, walking barefoot on the beach, taking long walks and contemplating my existance.....

What do I NOT like?

Plenty! I hate bugs, fatphobia, homophobia, racism, mushy foods... IM LOOKIN AT YOU BEANS AND MASHED POTATOS.... Yuck!
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